
Trails Carolina Abuse: What You Need to Know About the Controversial Wilderness Therapy Program

Trails Carolina is a wilderness therapy program that claims to help troubled teens and young adults overcome their challenges and find hope and healing. However, the program has also been accused of abuse, neglect, and deception by former participants, parents, and experts. We will explore the allegations of abuse at Trails Carolina, the potential risks and benefits of wilderness therapy, and the alternatives to this controversial treatment option.

What is Trails Carolina?

Trails Carolina is a licensed and accredited wilderness therapy program in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. It offers two programs: one for boys and girls aged 10 to 17, and one for young adults aged 18 to 25. The program combines wilderness expeditions, therapeutic interventions, academic instruction, family involvement, and aftercare support. The program’s website states that it can help participants with various issues, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, trauma, substance abuse, defiance, low self-esteem, and poor academic performance.

According to the website, Trails Carolina follows a “multi-dimensional model” that includes four phases: base camp, expedition, transition, and graduation. Each phase has different goals, activities, and expectations for the participants. The program also uses a “level system” that rewards participants for their progress and behavior with privileges and responsibilities. The program’s duration varies depending on the individual’s needs and goals, but typically ranges from eight to 12 weeks.

What are the Allegations of Abuse at Trails Carolina?

Trails Carolina has faced numerous allegations of abuse from former participants, parents, and experts. Some of the allegations include:

  • Physical abuse: Some former participants have reported being physically assaulted by staff members or other participants. For example, one former participant said that he was punched in the face by a staff member after refusing to hike. Another former participant said that he was choked by another participant while a staff member watched.
  • Psychological abuse: Some former participants have reported being subjected to psychological abuse by staff members or other participants. For example, one former participant said that he was verbally abused by staff members who called him names and threatened him. Another former participant said that he was humiliated by other participants who mocked him for his sexuality.
  • Medical neglect: Some former participants have reported being denied adequate medical care or attention by staff members. For example, one former participant said that he was not given proper medication for his bipolar disorder. Another former participant said that he was not treated for a severe allergic reaction that caused him to fall unconscious.
  • Deception: Some former parents and experts have reported being deceived by Trails Carolina about the program’s practices, outcomes, and costs. For example, one former parent said that she was misled by Trails Carolina about the safety and quality of the program. Another expert said that Trails Carolina exaggerated its success rate and accreditation status.

What are the Risks and Benefits of Wilderness Therapy?

Wilderness therapy is a type of treatment that uses outdoor activities and experiences to facilitate personal growth and behavioral change. Wilderness therapy can have some potential benefits for some individuals, such as:

  • Improving physical health and fitness
  • Enhancing self-confidence and self-reliance
  • Developing social skills and teamwork
  • Learning coping skills and problem-solving skills
  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Increasing motivation and engagement

However, wilderness therapy can also have some potential risks for some individuals, such as:

  • Exposing them to physical harm or injury
  • Triggering or worsening mental health issues
  • Isolating them from family and friends
  • Depriving them of basic needs and rights
  • Subjecting them to coercion or manipulation
  • Creating dependency or resentment

The risks and benefits of wilderness therapy may vary depending on the individual’s needs, preferences, goals, and circumstances. Therefore, it is important to consult with a qualified professional before enrolling in any wilderness therapy program.

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What are the Alternatives to Trails Carolina?

Trails Carolina is not the only option for parents who are seeking help for their struggling teens or young adults. There are many other alternatives that may be more suitable, effective, ethical, or affordable than Trails Carolina. Some of these alternatives include:

  • Outpatient therapy: This is when an individual meets with a therapist on a regular basis in an office setting. Outpatient therapy can provide individualized support and guidance for various issues without disrupting the individual’s normal routine or environment.
  • Inpatient therapy: This is when an individual stays in a hospital or clinic for a short period of time to receive intensive treatment for a serious mental health issue. Inpatient therapy can provide immediate care and stabilization for individuals who are in crisis or at risk of harming themselves or others.
  • Residential treatment: This is when an individual lives in a facility that provides 24/7 care and supervision for a longer period of time. Residential treatment can offer a structured and supportive environment for individuals who need more intensive or specialized treatment than outpatient or inpatient therapy can provide.
  • Family therapy: This is when an individual and their family members meet with a therapist together to address the issues that affect their relationships and functioning. Family therapy can help improve communication, understanding, and cooperation among family members and foster a healthier family dynamic.
  • Group therapy: This is when an individual joins a group of people who share similar issues or goals and meet with a therapist on a regular basis. Group therapy can provide peer support, feedback, and learning opportunities for individuals who want to improve their social skills or cope with their challenges.
  • Online therapy: This is when an individual communicates with a therapist via phone, text, chat, video, or email. Online therapy can offer convenience, accessibility, and affordability for individuals who have difficulty accessing or affording traditional therapy.


Trails Carolina is a wilderness therapy program that has been accused of abuse, neglect, and deception by former participants, parents, and experts. While wilderness therapy may have some benefits for some individuals, it may also have some risks for others. Therefore, it is important to do thorough research and consult with a qualified professional before enrolling in any wilderness therapy program. There are also many other alternatives to Trails Carolina that may be more suitable, effective, ethical, or affordable for parents who are seeking help for their struggling teens or young adults.

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