
How to Pause Your Piso Wifi Vendo and Save Money

Piso wifi vendo is a popular service in the Philippines that allows users to access the internet by inserting coins into a vending machine. The service is fast, reliable, and affordable, but sometimes you may need to pause your internet connection for various reasons. For example, you may want to take a break, save data, or switch devices. We will show you how to pause your piso wifi vendo and resume it later.

What is Piso Wifi Vendo?

Piso wifi vendo is a service that provides wireless internet access through a vending machine. The machine is connected to a router that has a IP address. Users can connect to the piso wifi network by scanning a QR code or entering a code on their devices. The service charges users by the minute, depending on the amount of coins they insert. Users can also monitor their remaining time and data usage on their devices.

Why Pause Your Piso Wifi Vendo?

Pausing your piso wifi vendo can be beneficial for several reasons. Here are some of them:

  • You can save money by pausing your internet connection when you are not using it. For example, if you need to answer a phone call, go to the restroom, or eat something, you can pause your connection and resume it later without wasting your coins.
  • You can save data by pausing your internet connection when you are downloading or streaming large files. For example, if you are watching a video or listening to music, you can pause your connection and resume it later without consuming your data allowance.
  • You can switch devices by pausing your internet connection on one device and resuming it on another device. For example, if you want to use your laptop instead of your smartphone, you can pause your connection on your smartphone and resume it on your laptop without losing your coins.

Read more about How to Your Internet Connection Using Piso Wifi Pause

How to Pause Your Piso Wifi Vendo?

To be able to pause your piso wifi vendo, the machine operator must first enable the feature in the LPB Piso Wifi admin dashboard. If this feature is already enabled, just follow the steps below to pause your connection:

  • Connect to the piso wifi network if you haven’t done so already.
  • Open your browser and type in the address bar or.
  • Enter your username and password if prompted. The default username is “admin” and the password is “password” unless changed by the operator.
  • Go to the “Connection” tab and click on the “Pause” button.
  • Select a duration for the pause from the drop-down menu. You can pause your connection for up to 2 hours.
  • Click on the “Confirm” button to pause your connection.

How to Resume Your Piso Wifi Vendo?

To resume your piso wifi vendo after pausing it, follow these steps:

  • Connect to the piso wifi network if you are not already connected.
  • Open your browser and type in the address bar.
  • Enter your username and password if prompted.
  • Go to the “Connection” tab and click on the “Resume” button.
  • Click on the “Confirm” button to resume your connection.


Pausing your piso wifi vendo is a useful feature that can help you save money, data, and time when using the internet service. However, not all machines have this feature enabled, so you may need to check with the operator first before trying it out. If you have any questions or problems with pausing or resuming your piso wifi vendo, feel free to contact the operator or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading this blog post and happy surfing!

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