
How2Invest: A Beginner’s Guide to Investing Online

Investing can be a daunting task for many people, especially if they don’t have much experience or knowledge about the financial markets. However, investing can also be a rewarding and fun way to grow your money and achieve your financial goals. If you are looking for a simple and easy way to start investing online, you may want to check out How2Invest, a revolutionary platform that’s changing the way we invest.

What is How2Invest?

How2Invest is a web-based investment platform that allows users to invest in stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds. The platform was founded in 2020 by a team of experienced investors and software developers who wanted to create a user-friendly and accessible investment platform for people of all skill levels.

The platform is designed to be easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to quickly and easily make investments. One of the things that makes How2Invest stand out from other investment platforms is its focus on education. The platform offers a wealth of educational resources, including articles, videos, and webinars, to help users learn more about investing.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on How2Invest. You can learn about the basics of investing, such as how to set your goals, how to diversify your portfolio, and how to manage your risk. You can also learn about advanced topics, such as how to analyze financial statements, how to use technical indicators, and how to implement different investment strategies.

How to Get Started with How2Invest?

Getting started with How2Invest is easy and fast. All you need is an email address and a password to create an account. You can also sign up with your Google or Facebook account if you prefer. Once you have an account, you can log in and access the platform from any device with an internet connection.

To start investing with How2Invest, you need to fund your account with a minimum of $100. You can do this by linking your bank account or using a debit or credit card. You can also transfer funds from other investment platforms or accounts if you have any.

Once you have funds in your account, you can start exploring the platform and choosing your investments. You can browse through the different categories of stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds, or use the search function to find specific ones. You can also filter the results by various criteria, such as market cap, sector, dividend yield, performance, and ratings.

When you find an investment that interests you, you can click on it to see more details, such as its price history, financials, news, and analysis. You can also see how other users have rated and reviewed the investment. If you want to invest in it, you can simply enter the amount you want to invest and click on the buy button. You can also set up recurring investments or automatic rebalancing if you want to automate your investing process.

Read more about How2Invest: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Smart Investment Decisions

How Much Does How2Invest Cost?

One of the best things about How2Invest is its low fees. Unlike traditional investment platforms, which often charge high fees for transactions and account management, How2Invest charges a flat fee of just 0.25% per year on invested assets. This means that if you have $10,000 invested with How2Invest, you will only pay $25 per year in fees.

This makes How2Invest an attractive option for investors who are looking to minimize their costs and maximize their returns. The platform also offers a free trial for 30 days, so you can try it out without any risk or commitment.

Is How2Invest Safe and Secure?

Another important aspect of any investment platform is its safety and security. How2Invest takes this very seriously and uses various measures to protect its users and their funds. Some of these measures include:

  • Encryption: All data transmitted between users and the platform is encrypted using SSL technology.
  • Authentication: Users are required to verify their identity and confirm their email address before they can access their account.
  • Password: Users are required to create a strong password that meets certain criteria.
  • Two-factor authentication: Users can enable two-factor authentication for extra security.
  • Custody: All funds invested with How2Invest are held by Apex Clearing Corporation, a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA and SIPC.
  • Insurance: All funds invested with How2Invest are insured by SIPC up to $500,000 per account.
  • Privacy: How2Invest does not sell or share users’ personal information with third parties without their consent.

What are the Pros and Cons of How2Invest?

As with any investment platform, there are some pros and cons of using How2Invest. Here are some of them:


  • Easy to use: The platform is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy for anyone to start investing online.
  • Low fees: The platform charges a flat fee of 0.25% per year on invested assets, which is lower than many other investment platforms.
  • Educational resources: The platform offers a wealth of educational resources, such as articles, videos, and webinars, to help users learn more about investing.
  • Wide range of investment options: The platform offers a wide range of investment options, including stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds.
  • Tools and features: The platform offers various tools and features to help users track and analyze their investments, such as charts, graphs, ratings, reviews, and notifications.


  • Limited account types: The platform only offers individual taxable accounts, which may not suit some investors who want to open other types of accounts, such as IRAs or joint accounts.
  • Limited customer support: The platform only offers email support, which may not be sufficient for some users who prefer phone or live chat support.
  • Limited customization: The platform does not allow users to customize their portfolio allocation or choose their own asset classes, which may not suit some investors who want more control over their investments.


How2Invest is a revolutionary platform that’s changing the way we invest online. It is a simple and easy way to start investing online, with low fees, educational resources, and a wide range of investment options. It is suitable for investors of all skill levels, from beginners to experts. However, it also has some limitations, such as limited account types, customer support, and customization. Therefore, it may not be the best option for everyone. If you are interested in trying out How2Invest, you can sign up for a free trial and see for yourself if it meets your needs and expectations.

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