
How to Use the Pause Feature on Piso Wifi Time

Piso Wifi is a popular and affordable way to access the internet in the Philippines. It is a coin-operated wifi vending machine that allows users to connect to the internet using their own devices for a certain amount of time and data. Piso Wifi machines are usually installed in public places such as malls, schools, parks, and convenience stores.

One of the features that Piso Wifi offers is the Pause Time feature. This feature allows users to temporarily pause their internet connection for up to 2 hours, without losing their remaining time and data. This can be useful for users who want to take a break, save battery, or switch to another device.

How to Pause on Piso Wifi Time

To use the Pause Time feature on Piso Wifi, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect to the Piso Wifi network using your device.
  • Open your browser and type in the address bar.
  • Enter your username and password that you received from the Piso Wifi machine when you inserted your coin.
  • On the dashboard, you will see your remaining time and data, as well as a button that says “Pause Time”.
  • Click on the “Pause Time” button to pause your internet connection.
  • You will see a confirmation message that says “Your internet connection is now paused”.
  • You can now disconnect from the Piso Wifi network and use your device for other purposes.
  • To resume your internet connection, simply reconnect to the Piso Wifi network and log in again using your username and password.
  • You will see a message that says “Your internet connection is now resumed”.
  • You can now continue browsing the internet using your remaining time and data.

Read more about How to Use the 10.0.0..1 Pause Time Feature on Piso WiFi

Benefits of Using the Pause Feature on Piso Wifi Time

The Pause Time feature on Piso Wifi has several benefits for users, such as:

  • Saving time and money: By pausing your internet connection, you can avoid wasting your time and money on unused internet access. You can use your remaining time and data later when you need it.
  • Saving battery: By disconnecting from the Piso Wifi network, you can save your device’s battery life and avoid draining it unnecessarily.
  • Switching devices: By pausing your internet connection, you can switch to another device without losing your time and data. For example, you can pause your connection on your laptop and resume it on your smartphone, or vice versa.
  • Taking breaks: By pausing your internet connection, you can take breaks from browsing the internet and do other things, such as eating, sleeping, studying, or working.

Limitations of Using the Pause Feature on Piso Wifi Time

The Pause Time feature on Piso Wifi also has some limitations that users should be aware of, such as:

  • Maximum duration: The Pause Time feature can only be used for up to 2 hours per session. After 2 hours, your internet connection will automatically resume and deduct your time and data accordingly.
  • Availability: The Pause Time feature may not be available on all Piso Wifi machines or networks. Some machines or networks may have different settings or features that may not support the Pause Time feature.
  • Security: The Pause Time feature does not guarantee the security or privacy of your internet connection or data. When you pause your internet connection, you may still be vulnerable to hackers, viruses, malware, or other cyber threats that may compromise your device or data.


The Pause Time feature on Piso Wifi is a convenient and useful feature that allows users to pause their internet connection for up to 2 hours without losing their time and data.

It has several benefits for users who want to save time and money, save battery, switch devices, or take breaks from browsing the internet.

However, it also has some limitations that users should be aware of, such as the maximum duration, availability, and security of the feature.

Therefore, users should use the Pause Time feature wisely and responsibly, and always follow the terms and conditions of the Piso Wifi service provider.

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