
How to Your Internet Connection Using Piso Wifi Pause

Piso wifi is a popular and affordable way of accessing the internet in the Philippines. Piso Wi-Fi machines are coin-operated devices that provide wireless internet access to users who pay a certain amount per minute. Users can connect to the piso Wi-Fi network using their smartphones, laptops, or tablets and enjoy surfing the web, watching videos, playing games, and more.

However, there may be times when you need to pause your internet connection for some reason. For example, you may need to take a break, attend to an urgent matter, or save your data for later use. Fortunately, some piso Wi-Fi machines have a feature that allows you to pause your internet connection for up to 2 hours. This feature is called the Pause Time feature and it can be accessed using the IP address.

What is Piso Wifi Paused? Piso wifi is an IP address that is used to access the admin dashboard of some Piso wifi machines, such as the LPB Piso Wifi. The admin dashboard allows you to manage your Piso wifi account, such as checking your balance, changing your password, viewing your transaction history, and more.

One of the features that you can access using the IP address is the Pause Time feature. This feature allows you to temporarily pause your internet connection for up to 2 hours without losing your remaining balance or time. This can be useful if you want to take a break from using the internet or if you want to save data for later use.

How to Your Internet Connection Using Piso Wifi Paused?

To be able to pause your internet connection using piso wifi, you need to make sure that the piso wifi machine operator has enabled the feature in the admin dashboard. If this feature is already enabled, just follow the steps below to pause your internet connection:

  • Connect to the piso wifi network if you haven’t done so already.
  • Open your browser and type in the address bar.
  • You will see a login page where you need to enter your username and password.
  • The default username is “admin” and the default password is “1234”. However, these may vary depending on the machine operator’s settings.
  • After logging in, you will see the admin dashboard where you can view your account details and settings.
  • On the left side of the dashboard, click on the “Connection” tab.
  • You will see a button that says “Pause”. Click on it to pause your internet connection.
  • You will see a confirmation message that says “Your connection has been paused”.
  • You will also see a timer that shows how much time you have left before your paused connection expires.
  • You can now close your browser and do other things without using the internet.

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How to Resume or Cancel Your Internet Connection Using Piso Wifi Paused?

If you want to resume or cancel your paused internet connection using piso wifi, just follow these steps:

  • Connect to the piso wifi network again if you have disconnected from it.
  • Open your browser and type in the address bar.
  • Log in to the admin dashboard using your username and password.
  • On the left side of the dashboard, click on the “Connection” tab.
  • You will see two buttons that say “Resume” and “Cancel”. Click on either one depending on what you want to do.
  • If you click on “Resume”, your internet connection will resume and you can continue using it until your balance or time runs out.
  • If you click on “Cancel”, your paused internet connection will be canceled and you will lose your remaining balance or time.
  • You will see a confirmation message that says “Your connection has been resumed” or “Your connection has been canceled”.


Using piso wifi, you can pause your internet connection for up to 2 hours without losing your balance or time. This can be helpful if you need to take a break or save data for later use.

However, not all piso wifi machines have this feature enabled by default, so you need to check with the machine operator first before using it.

Also, remember that pausing your internet connection does not mean that you can leave your device unattended or unsecured while connected to the piso wifi network. You should always be careful and responsible when using public wifi networks, as they may pose some risks to your privacy and security.

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